Is Johnny’s most recent court case an important worldly affair or just a distraction?
I met Johnny Depp in 1989 for an editorial photo shoot for Rolling Stone magazine. He was sweet and shy, and quite bothered with the overbearing and almost suffocating attention the photo crew was giving him that day. On my side, I was just exhausted from working for months on end without taking any breaks, being on call, 24/7 as a top model.
We worked together the whole day, taking about 6-7 photos. Both, he and I, were a little uncomfortable with one photo where the photographer asked him to (somehow) push me down like a gangster. This was also the last day of production for his movie ’Cry Baby’ which was shooting in Baltimore.
While he became more and more famous through his acting work, I met him many more times, be it during the Cannes Film Festival or other exclusive Parisian events, such as movie premiere parties or after parties and at the Man Ray restaurant (then partly owned by him). Every time he recognised me and would politely say hi, as if he had not become the mega famous “Johnny Depp” Hollywood product. I felt that to be quite admirable - a level-headed, polite and unaffected movie star? Amazing!
I have exposed and shared publicly my own perspective a few times regarding the reality behind power struggles in Hollywood, and the weird ways of a business that wants to completely own you; the product, a human being. It’s my belief that Johnny went to live in Paris, or in France, just to be away from that overbearing and (more often than not) dark environment. But, as the handlers stay active and dedicated to the sophisticated endeavour to own you, it is possible that even today, Johnny is being used as a distraction on the world stage. I would not be surprised if the ex-wife not only had a terrible personality, and was mad for fame (the number one desire of her entire generation), but that she could also be what is called in the intelligence community, a “honey trap”.
So, how can we reconcile the love we’ve been ushered into feeling through propaganda, for the icon Johnny Depp, and the conundrum of seeing him being ‘just human’; sometimes behaving badly and having a tough time on his life’s path? To add to this whole affair, he is now having his cherished private life being completely exposed, almost as a circus animal in a media frenzy, as he attempts to clear his name from the outrageous accusations of being a “wife beater”, a rapist and a physical abuser, to a self-proclaimed “ambassador” and victim of “gender violence”. And, let’s not forget that lately this young and at least physically healthy female has become a mother by surrogate. I wonder if it’s even true, her inability to birth a child.
All together, this whole affair is sounding very much like predictive programming to me, and as radical as this will sound to many totally uniformed feminists, it’s clear that this can further destroy the naturally loving, nurturing and caring female archetype.
And, by the way, what the heck does “gender violence” mean anyway?
So, here’s my take: that there are bigger things going on that Hollywood is being used to distract us from. Could it be that a “Dr. Evil” character - pulling the strings - is preoccupying you from such actions as the World Health Organization (WHO) working on a treaty where countries will lose their sovereignty of decision making while dealing with ‘so called’ pandemics? So, this group, with their media, military and medical push and shove, is using Johnny’s personal affairs as spectacle for distraction and diversion. This being, would it not be best to look deeper, and understand what is not being shown in the mainstream press; actions that are taking global populations down this dangerous path of centralization; stopping us from being able to act, be informed and response-able to actual threats!
As for Johnny, I really don’t know how far down the ‘dark’ path he has gone (the 'Hollywood Vampires' - really?), as I’ve taken the path of being a Yogi (or a Jedi if you will), while simultaneously becoming versed in - the generally overlooked - big picture geo-political affairs. I do hope he’s going to be well and that we all will be able to enjoy more and more, his great talent and dedication to true cinema; and some funky music (he wanted to be a rockstar from the get go). It’s awkward looking back now, remembering how I saw this coming when I watched the ‘Rum Diary’ movie, because my instinct and intuition was accurate and I could have warned him. Unfortunately, we were not in touch and he most likely wouldn’t have heeded it, being somewhat unbalanced and completely enchanted.
It’s possible (and I’m truly hoping so) that Johnny is going to clear his name - or what is left of it - and that those that have lied, exaggerated and fabricated unproven, violent wrongdoings for personal gain, will be rightfully punished and entirety forgotten!
Enough already with the sex-war mega propaganda and the many other agendas being pushed here, as I believe deep down that this is why the media made this such a big deal. All this coupled with the promotion of terrible human behaviour; which is what Hollywierd is actually best at. We do know better now, don’t we? As humans we must seek to be kind and love one another. That is the natural and most basic instinct; and where there is a toxic relationship like this one, best is to move away from it as soon as possible. Well done with that Johnny; now it’s time to heal the wounds and truly transcend all this to achieve a peaceful equilibrium; something achievable and available for all human beings.
We can also become aware that anything blown this much out of proportion in the mainstream media, and exposed as such a circus spectacle, is most likely something being used to shape or distract the minds of the public. Let’s be aware and careful for such manipulation.
The cure to all this is reclaim our minds and focus where more serious and pressing issues are; while wishing them both well.
I personally thank you Johnny, for being a cool guy (as far as I’ve witnessed) and for trying to live in an extremely toxic, abusive, dark and crazy environment, to share your talent with with us all. It’s a brave attempt and consequently, your karma (good and bad) is naturally at your doorstep, and it seems that the worst is behind you. The solace for you at this time may be the realization that Hollyweird needs you; not the other way around. They need your fabulous talent to validate their “Movie Industry” and its propaganda machine. They need you as they did with so many wonderful actors before, who have left its machine one way or another. You actually do not need them for anything.
Ana Lucia Alves
Tulum - May 30th, 2022
Why aging gracefully is healthier for every-body.
It’s been a year since I stopped covering my grey hair. Although uncomfortable looking in the mirror and seeing the ‘actual me’, I stuck with it, being that the positive feelings about it was way bigger than the insecurities it caused at first.
Women have been sold shame when it comes to aging, as if it was practically a disease. Why? Did you ever wonder?
As I pondered this question, so many reasons come to mind; from psychological to emotional, all the way to financial. So here are some questions, and a few answers on the matter:
1. Financially: Who would profit from female aging insecurity?
3. Psychologically: Why would there be a push for the very young to become leaders (the Greta effect)? As if being wise and knowledgeable is not needed for leadership, and that children can dictated to adults what’s the best course of action. It’s insane! This battle for your mind is taxing and confusing, and most may forget that being balanced and relaxed in one’s body, in acceptance of maturity, is absolutely wonderful. So why wouldn’t this be the very thing our society promotes and discusses. Is there anything else that a human life is aiming for but deep loving relationships and growth, while the body progresses toward its expiration date? Certainly there is having a meaningful time and some great adventures, but it’s extremely difficult to have any fun or find true meaning when our “modern society” prefers to downplay and send amazing, beautiful and experienced ladies to the attic; meaning putting then away for good and very soon after their 40th birthday.
With all this said, it’s no plan of mine to remove myself from living a fantastic life at every step, and I shall not be convinced that my age, or looks is what matters most.
And lastly, there’s no judgement nor reproach whatsoever if another decides to do otherwise; life is complex and we can only do our very best as we're all a ‘work in progress’ and a divine expression of unfathomable power.
Ana Lucia Alves
Tulum, 19th of October, 2022
Implementing its ideals and a mad agenda
into your subconscious mind.
So how does this work?
This implementation into your subconscious mind is done via predictive programming, one of the reasons the TV has named its streaming – of sometimes nonsensical media – programming.
In the case of AI you have already been programmed to accept the idea as a good one. How? For almost two decades now, you’ve been constantly seeing real people with glass like skin; meaning poreless, which your subconscious mind is registering as real, so changing your perception completely regarding what a real human actually looks like.
When one pays attention to the modeling industry it’s easy to see. And now, even movies are removing the reality of the ‘human body’ using technology to make older actors look young, or simply to make their stars look better. An early and awful attempt, was a movie that pushed this very strongly and in a “normal kind of way” – being that it wasn’t a superhero movie – was the latest Scorsese picture called, ‘The Irishman’.
This being a constant now, what does it do to you? And after whatever that is, is done; how do you feel about yourself when looking in the mirror and witnessing that you may not look as good as you were made believe that you could. Yes, convoluted and confusing feelings indeed.
And, we can also discuss all the smart (or stupid?) phones and computer applications in and for social media, as it’s also pushing the same idea of this perfect and no-pore skin. They also have fake application editing for the removal of pores, and in such a way that most people actually look as if they were not even human at all. It's not that I'm against looking great, make up, or using an application to subtlety enhance a nice picture, but the idea that is being installed in your subconscious mind is that, first you don’t look good enough, ever, and second that a robot like appearance is the best one, and most likely your future.
Alright, don’t be so uptight one could say, it’s just fun! And what does it have to do with artificial intelligence anyway? Well, once your subconscious mind has accepted this as normal, that your skin should look like glass, it’s then easy to convince you of the idea that you could also become one of 'them,' become one of these amazingly enhanced and powerful non-human machines, and that’s the AI propaganda machine preparing you and your children to sign up for a crazy and dangerous experiment.
So, we're being led to chip our brains and merge with computers or computer technologies (which we won’t), and this idea is coming from a few crazy people who are pushing it via propaganda on the population. For this to work, first the crazy idea needs to be normal, and if possible, super cool and interesting; ‘the way of the future.' This then, would be the best (and covert) way to convince any human to go for such an outrageous idea; so this is slowly being implemented throughout our society.
But then, you may already be thinking (not your thoughts by the way): but, it’s going to be great as I'll be more powerful if I chipped my brain so why wouldn't I do it? The answer to that is: you already have the highest technology possible within your being, and you have no need to endanger or hurt your body - your most fantastic human composition - to include any pretentious man-made technology, that will most likely (if you research hard enough) make you a remotely controllable slave of an oligarchic government trying once again to come forward with the mad idea of fully controlling humankind. Oh! And they want to control the whole planet! Sounds like a bad B movie, no? Or a scary one?
With this said, I personally cannot stop myself from looking deeper, studying harder and deeply questioning all these insane futuristic projects. Once our mind is made up, and we've concluded this to be a very bad idea, it’s best to immediately remove consent mentally, and from anything that can harm the greatest machine ever created; the human body. After that, we can take local action to stop these things from being pushed on us and our children.
The fashion and movie industries dictate trends, followed heavily by most people on the planet these days, many a time to their detriment. Most are not even aware of its power of persuasion, because it is something that will, by repetition, go into one’s subconscious mind and soon one will begin to act it out as a second nature, without even thinking about it.
It’s by propagating certain ideas with fashion looks and movies that these trends are then adopted by society at large. This is also called “Social Engineering”.
So – Why is the “heroine chic” look so dangerous? Well, it is an unhealthy and weak look (literally weak) to begin with, a look that makes regular woman (too many are teenagers) to diet heavily using endless ineffective diets (also propagated) that are dysfunctional, creating then a dysfunctional mind filled with even more insecurities, leading most to further and unnecessary stress.
Anorexia is a real disease that can be triggered, fanned or even created by this very idea. The idea that being extra skinny is “the new cool” and the attractive thing to actually do. Everyone wants to be attractive because we all just want to be loved! Obviously…
Ana Lucia Alves
Tulum, 27th of January, 2023
You hear about coaching and most likely are becoming familiar with what a “handler” is.
In show business – fashion industry – celebrity making machine world – a handler is common; even in politics there is a controlling personality who will not coach or support, but instead, their goal (or mission) is to control and most likely, if they cannot control they will eradicate.
So how to recognize and differentiate the coach from the handler?
The coach is someone who will fan whatever little fire you have regarding anything. He or she will listen to truly comprehend what you want and will support that. They will be a personality for problem-solving and forward thinking, strategically planning landmarks with you while holding you accountable in a very loving and caring way.
In the event you are looking to make advancement, and are humble enough to ask or just accept advice from anyone, be it a coach, a friend, or even a family member, please make sure that you know the difference in behavior so you can scan very closely what their agenda truly is. Observe how they proceed in regard to “helping you out” and most importantly, follow your in-tuition and gut feeling because that compass is a true guide. And don’t worry if the handler tries to ridicule you, just know that, if something feels fishy there’s probably someone fishy around.
And lastly, by knowing the difference one will avoid hiring a handler for a coach. It would be terrible to actually pay someone to control you and very likely, usher you into not accomplishing your heartfelt life goals.Ana Lucia Alves
Tulum, 11th of February, 2023
One would think that the cancel culture is a modern thing. Sadly, it’s not.
From the earliest days of the silent picture, great talent who would not bend to the agenda pushing, power grabbing, status quo makers, would be removed; and through history it would be repeated many times over.
The first case that I can think of is Erich von Stroheim, who realized amazing and historic motion pictures like the eight hour long “Greed”, the epic movie destroyed by the system. Erich is soon followed by one of the most unfortunate cases, and that’s Charlie Chaplin, who was accused of being a communist and practically disgraced, thrown out of America on unfounded grounds, although never proven to be affiliated with communism. Meanwhile real communists were taking over.
Fast forwarding you’ll find Orson Welles, in the early 60s. One of the greatest directors that ever lived. Remember ‘Citizen Kane’? Orson was also not able to find funding for his movies, nor much support from Hollywood in his 50s. His late movies were re-cut, re-edited and completely slaughtered. Orson ended up in Paris - just like David Lynch nowadays, who is again, one of the greatest who didn’t accept the unspoken laws and ways of the industry. He fell out of grace completely once he made a movie (Mulholland Drive) that exposed the unfortunate corruption and utter insanity of the system itself.
We also had before David Lynch, in the very early 80s, Francis Ford Coppola, who is in my view the best Film Director alive today. He created “The Godfather Trilogy” for God’s grace! Anyhow, Francis was put aside as unimportant or irrelevant, having no access to good distribution, and sometimes none, for his fabulous movies. This being, Francis had to finance and distribute his own movies out of Zoetrope in San Francisco and up to today (one should watch them all), is someone that the industry doesn’t seem to care about. Furthermore, I feel the need to share what Charlie Chaplin did with “The Great Dictator”, a moving picture produced, written, starred and scored by him; a movie that most do not know was actually realized just a few years before the real dictator in Europe (out of Germany) took over and started the second world war. Back to Francis Ford Coppola, who lost a lot of money trying to establish something beautiful in his time; that desire and fantastic vision is practically the main inspiration for Ciné Tribe Studios and Club. As we keep looking at these disgraceful actions against important cinematic talents, we witness - with dropped chins - a recent event where someone is not only cast aside, but as the agenda progresses, are also criminalized and demonized as the example for all the others; who, if not kept on point, would very likely be punished in the same way. And as controversial as this is, I mention this because I believe that Harvey Weinstein (whom I met many times) is the latest talent thrown out from this imbalanced and sickly establishment, Hollywood. Yes, let’s call a cat a cat because it’s the system that’s sick, propagating bad behavior, abuse, grooming and handling in an overall agenda for the destruction of humanity. These extremely talented and obviously “imperfect” human beings (just like all of us), were cast aside because they didn’t follow the rules of the harsh, controlled propaganda machine and culture creation tool that is the movie making industry - Hollyweird as I call it. I say ‘movie’ making because most of them do not even qualify as a true cinematic experience. Cinema is an art, is a tool to inspire, to explore the human condition, a medium to touch hearts and enliven people everywhere into becoming better, and this, by not having to experience certain scenarios themselves; because Cinema explores and shares those emotional rollercoasters, in a few hours of great vision, realized by true cinematic storytelling.Every time this “cast away” - or nowadays called “cancellation” - planed phenomenon happens we lose so much. We lose beautiful voices who love cinema dearly, who fought to realize (regardless of amazing opposition) fantastic cinematic gems. And, we shall not forget that they had to be welcomed and accepted in this industry because of their genius, and because without them, cinema would have died a long time ago. These are human beings (as imperfect as they are/were) that loved and love the art of making beautiful, touching, inspiring and inspired moving pictures. They are and were of the greatest value, and true visionaries!
They were rightfully operating outside the box, and because they challenged the status quo, they were thrown out, humiliated and demonized to become an example for the needed future talent (vital for this industry), so they wouldn’t dare get “out of line” in regards to the power structure that’s been set for many, many decades, in this grinding, corrupt, political, unfortunate and obsolete system. For the love of Cinema, and to honor them all, and the craving audience, we are taking Cinema back! We’re taking it to where it should have gone in the ‘early days’. We’re taking Cinema back to make motion pictures that are beautiful, decent and inspiring; making movies that explore the human condition and potential to its best - without gimmicks, without the dehumanizing agenda being pushed for the destruction of our fabulous loving human psyche. WE ARE TAKING CINEMA BACK!
Ana Lucia Alves
Tulum, 28th of February, 2023
I’ve been pondering this idea for a long time and have finally decided to write something short on it. Being that I have now spent five years in Mexico, after spending twelve years in England, and most of my life in Europe, I feel that I have first hand experience worthy of sharing regarding the matter.
I grew up in Brazil, where at the time society was in a little bit more of an equilibrium regarding this; although racism has been there forever, and from all sides.
I’ve come across this phenomenon in all the cultures I’ve experienced, some being quite severe. It also happens on some religious fronts, where an entire religious culture believes to this day, that they’re better than others; and often, only by birth - which is not even a real qualification for this unrealistic idea. Although many of them don’t even believe in God, this “religiosity title” is bluntly used to forward material agendas within their - often times - reckless tribe. This being, knowingly or unknowingly, they use this mentality to amass wealth via exploitation and abuse.
Sometime ago I gave an interview in England and said “When the bodily conception is given up, humans will finally enjoy peace of mind and true fellowship.” That was to say, in a single phrase, that until all humans understand and honor our humanity and true equality, we’ll have to continuously witness and suffer abuse, wars, slavery, exploitation and unfairness. This being, a deep sadness will live in everyone’s heart.It is us, the soul having this material experience, that feels this sadness deep down; regardless of what one actually believes. So, until we all become fully aware of the equality of every human, in everything and in every way, we cannot be fully satisfied and happy in this life, or any other.
It is the consciousness within our human make up that provides true happiness and bliss. Lacking this awareness has us skirting around the issue, pretending, making believe we’re ecstatic, while suffering unsatisfactory lifestyles, and always feeling grief and an inner melancholy. Thanks for reading...Ana Lucia Alves
Tulum, the 7th of April, 2023
Your truth can be mad
Your truth may be absurd
But no one notices nor mind
Because their truth is better than yours
The community may object
But it’s all disregarded
Because our truth is better than theirs
It is not that my perception could be wrong
Or that the way I see and feel is manipulated
The truth is whatever I want
Because mine is just better than yours
Guidelines of virtue may be lost
And righteous behavior a thing of the past
But I don’t mind nor protest
Because my truth is the best of them all
The bizarre could become regular
Even the insane popular
But there’s no care nor concern
Because our truth is just better than yours
By Ana Lucia Alves
No AI involved
Yes. All movies produced based on the 1920s original stage play do, and they’re one of the greatest examples of showbiz’s influence on society; being an expert culture creation business. Isn’t the city of Chicago famous for being one the most criminalized and murderous cities in the whole of the USA, and practically for a century?
By glamorizing criminality, cheating, lying and simply promoting straight forward bad behaviors – which is all over this movie – this becomes a great case for exposing the culture creation plan. All that dazzling results in putting deep in one’s mind (the audience’s mind) that high-level criminal behavior is actually glamorous, full of adventure and leads to great financial rewards and success.
Let’s briefly pick ‘CHICAGO’ apart to see how this is done:
Roxie (in the 1920s) wants to have a ‘stage act,’ so she sleeps with her furniture provider who promises her an introduction into Chicago’s great showbiz landscape. She’s married with an honest, kind, faithful and dedicated husband who’s portrait in the piece as ‘the idiotic clown.’ She gets pushed around by her lover, who lied about delivering on her dreams, so she shoots him dead; three shots. While in prison she uses her sexuality to get by, while using her innocent husband to pay for the extremely famous and charming lawyer; who has never lost a female case. He’s the hero! The cunning, charming and obnoxious lawyer will lie to the already corrupt court and jail systems, just to get her off.While in prison waiting for her trial, Roxy meets an already “famous act” named Velma who killed her own sister, the one she had a famous “stage act” with, and although Roxie and Velma hate one another, they both become (once set free) the new “talk of the town,” while succeeding in a new stage act together. An act that portrays that being a killer is actually fabulous, and indeed, very rewarding.
I could go on but I feel that that’s enough to settle this case. On the other hand, the great power of Cinema and Media in general can uplift society. When the propaganda is on how beautiful human existence is, how a balanced living environment and virtuous lifestyle is truly rewarding, cinema actually enhances our consciousness and behavior, enticing all of us to seek for and have what we already desire; a life filled with love, beauty and peace. Take for instance a direct quote from David Wark Griffith, a genius movie director during the birth of the medium, who noted in Collier's (May 3, 1924) - The Movies 100 Years From Now. Exactly 100 years ago, D.W. Griffith strongly believed that humans would not experience any kind of war by 2024, due to the power of movies:“In the year 2024 the most important single thing which the cinema will have helped in a large way to accomplish will be that of eliminating from the face of the civilized world all armed conflict. Pictures will be the most powerful factor in bringing about this condition. With the use of the universal language of moving pictures the true meaning of the brotherhood of man will have been established throughout the earth. For example, the Englishman will have learned that the soul of the Japanese is, essentially, the same as his own. The Frenchman will realize that the American's ideals are his ideals. All men are created equal.”
Obviously it hasn’t gone that way, so next time you suspend your disbelief and allow yourself to be enter-taimed and dazzled by the glitter of Hollywood, look deeper into what’s between the lines - the ideals being pushed on you - then make up your own mind as to how these ideas will affect your life and behavior. We’re actually response-able to steer our own lives and then our communities in the direction we want to live; the rest is just a circus. Or, as has been named in the high echelons of today’s society with the aim of selling its glittering effects: it’s just ‘Show Business’. So please, don’t believe the hype because your mind is your own, and your chosen destiny, yours to fulfill! Thanks for reading...
Ana Lucia Alves
Tulum, the 8th of June, 2023
And so… most of my life (after leaving a small town in Brazil in the late 80s) I have been accused of being a polluter, even if recycling has been the norm my entire life. Just see… in the little town I grew up in, in upstate São Paulo, we’ve always recycled. I was surprised to witness – once in the bigger cities – how unaware most people were about their garbage.
As time passed it got even worse; many times I’ve been accused of being a killer, or of being the cause of everybody’s demise, just because I’m a “Brazilian.” I’m often accused of being the cause of deforestation (I left Brazil over three decades ago), and that apparently I’m a terrible person and still today responsible for so much damage, even when the Amazon deforestation is a myth of sorts.
Yes! I say this because I’ve been in Manaus so have seen it personally, and …
I've studied the real Amazon issues deeply, which is definitely not deforestation (I'm still to make my 'AMAZON - Out of the Dark' documentary… decades in the waiting). So, as odd as this may sound, it seems that I am still that cruel person today, cutting all those trees and in doing so, creating a terrible chain reaction that's resulting in a natural chaos. Now, how crazy is that?
Well, the good news is that nowadays you don’t have to be Brazilian to be the cause of this nearly “irreversible doomsday” (going on for almost a century); the made-up propaganda piece today called “climate change.” This phenomenon was formally known as “global cooling,” followed by the title “global warming.” Did you ever wonder why its title keeps changing every two decades or so? Could it be that the real science doesn’t match these unproven theories? Anyhow, Did you ever wonder why all this "global warming" has nothing to do with you being the culprit and the one to be blamed for pollution? That is, if you are still causing much pollution anyway… with your very daring "carbon footprints". Another nonsensical theory! In actuality, most people I know are recycling fully, or as much as possible, and some are even getting trophies for doing so; which I find quite amusing as recycling is the norm for me. As we become more aware and deeply conscious, we are still not given a fair opportunity to reverse localized pollution we may be creating by proxy, as nearly everything we need to buy is wrapped in some ridiculous (and sometimes impossible to open) wrap. What happened? My observation is that in the 90s there was a great boom in the wrapping industry - which got out of control - then, recycling is probably not as good or as "profitable,” so trash was stashed up. And this being the cause of pollution still today is not by the every day fellow, because the real polluters are these very industries that profit immensely, but pay very little (if nothing at all), back into any endeavor to clean up the mess they have caused.One great polluter (to name just one) is the fashion industry; with its unnatural dying (the Mayans color fabrics naturally up to today), and there are so many other industries that I won’t bother to mention. I bet that if you paid closer attention you’d be able to name at least ten in no time. Why are they not the ones to pay to clean up; and on top of all this, we are made to believe that we are the problem? Enough already!!!
So the whole solution for pollution (oops, I almost broke into a song… lol), and the needed "clean up" caused in the last century by the industrialists’ business model (who are now into AI - but let us not go there), is that we change our consciousness immediately and begin taking full responsibility for our lifestyles. The number one rule is, remove your cash if you still have any left, from this trapping wheel that is the dysfunctional and unfair “big business model” (just see what is happening in Hollyweird), and produce beautiful things yourself. And most importantly, buy and sell local. Why would you give your daughter a silly Barbie when you can get a sweet granny to crochet a unique and cool doll, dressed just like your lovely girl wants her to be? Go pick the fabrics with her and have some fun too! Why would you buy a stupid looking plastic truck for your boy when you can get some wood and build one with him and have a great bonding moment while doing so?We all know by now how costly, and in every way, buying “Made In China” stuff has been to us all, and no one including the Chinese wants communism (enslavement/oppression/abuse) so let’s get going people. It’s time to become truly conscious of your environment; which is related to way more than just physical pollution. What are you listening to? How and with whom are you sharing your life? Who are you putting your faith in? Why are you still believing that you are the problem? You!!! The bad guy? Come on now…
If you read this far and want to know more about how consciously responsible we must be to actually save ourselves and future generations, please get more information on real facts on the history of how we got here. I’d like to invite you to take a peak inside my "Essential Media" page on this site. There, I’ve included a few extraordinary historical interviews and extremely relevant information for our benefit. Please click anywhere on this article for a direct link. The time is always now, and as we become more and more conscious of who we are and what’s actually happening, we have the opportunity to create a healthy future for us all, and for those coming after us. And remember, most humans that have ever planted a fruit tree, didn't enjoy much of its fruits. We’re like that!!! Generous and loving. We are humans!!! Thanks for reading, and please share...
Ana Lucia Alves
Tulum, the 27th of July, 2023
Ana, this is such a great writing…amazing, and so honest…It is uplifting and so supportive of all the warrior women we all know, whose wisdom and grace is transcendent….
I wish you tremendous success with your endeavor now and always….blessings.
Thank you Jenn, for such kind and encouraging words. Sending you much love, success and many blessings back.
Great Insights from an epic woman who has lived an epic life. Thank you for your wisdom and savvy insights!
Thank you Stefania,
This means a lot to me coming from someone who has also accomplished so much. Sending blessings and much love your way!
Being a Canadian I can certainly attest to the British sense of superiority. Hard to believe but Brits still to this day travel and settle in Canada considering local Canadians as their conquered people. A normal trait of Canadians is to apologize upon saying hello! This is a very poignant and deep subject that could easily develop into a larger creation. Eloquent as usual Ana Lucia!
Thank you Stefania.This confusion (convenient to many at the materialistic top) comes from the mistaken idea that equality is material when true equality is actually spiritual. And yes, I’ve been taking mental notes for years and a book will manifest. Sending you much love!
Your meticulousness and thorough research shine through in your blog posts. It’s impressive.
Thank you! I’m glad that it’s inspiring you.
Eximious article! I couldn’t agree more with your points. I’m happy to give some thought to such helpful insights shared here.
It is remarkable, very good piece